\begin{restatable}[Goldbach's conjecture]{thm}{goldbach} \label{thm:goldbach} Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. \end{restatable}
We sometimes hope that we could show and discuss a theorem, without proof it. However, in appendix, we mey need to recall that theorem and then write down the details of proof.
The following context comes from TeX.SX that is provided by lockstep.
\begin{restatable}[Goldbach's conjecture]{thm}{goldbach} \label{thm:goldbach} Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. \end{restatable}
We recall \cref{thm:goldbach}:
The thm-restate package which is part of thmtools offers a restatable environment. In the following example, I also use hyperref and cleveref (its \cref macro automatically adds the correct theorem type). See section 1.4 of the thmtools manual for details.