The Python Tutorial 的中文翻译版。
But they pay little attention to the opposite and more treacherous failing:false certainty, refusing to confess their mistakes and implicitly claiming (i), thereby embarrassing the nation and undermining the Constitution, which established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men are sometimes wrong and need, precisely when they find it most (ii), the benefit of (iii) process.
【LaTeX Tips】LaTeX 公式上下花括号的交错
overbrace 和 underbrace 可以嵌套但是不能交错,本文解决了这个问题。
【LaTeX Tips】2013 清華大學(臺灣) LaTeX 研習投影片——蔡炎龍
这是台湾清华大学 2013 年在清大『LaTeX 研習』上使用的投影片。
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